Dec, 2023

A voyage to raise consciousness about non-life insurance

Dr. Aparna Ger

My name is Dr. Aparna, and Im a faculty of finance and marketing. My love is research, and I enjoy studying all facets of life. The most important thing to do if one wants to live a calm life and learn more is research.

I plan to write more about non-life insurance in light of my academic studies. As I worked toward my PhD in non-life insurance, I became aware of the paucity of research in this area. There were several advantages to non-life insurance.A non-life insurance policy, sometimes referred to as a general insurance policy, is, in essence, any kind of insurance policy that is not, as the name implies, a life insurance policy. These insurance policies shield you against financial damages brought on by car accidents, potential natural disasters that could impact your home, and potential thefts. It's a rather long list. There is an insurance coverage for just about anything that can go wrong in life.Motor insurance (two-, four-, and commercial vehicle insurance) is one type of non-life insurance.

health coverage.
Insurance against disasters (Protects you from, among other things, earthquakes, fires, and floods)
credit safeguarding.
insurance against accidents.
insurance for mortgages.
Non life insurance has huge benefits.

A voyage to raise consciousness about non-life insurance

My name is Dr. Aparna, and Im a faculty of finance and marketing. My love is research, and I enjoy studying all facets of life. The most important thing to do if one wants to live a calm life and learn more is research.